Blueberries, Raspberries, Boysenberries, Marions, Blackberries, Currants, and more Upick and We Pick

The berry bushes are loaded at Morning Shade Farm right now!  We currently have U-pick blueberries (Duke, Sierra and Toro), currants (black, red and white), raspberries, boysenberries, thornless marionberries, loganberries, sylvans, katatas, obsidian, and gooseberries!   No unnatural, synthetic sprays on our berries.  All U-pick berries are $2.40 per pound.  We are open Wednesday through Sunday from 8 am to 3 pm (closed Monday and Tuesday).

Fresh picked blueberries (very sweet Duke), cleaned of stems and green berries, can be ordered for pickup at or by calling the farm and leaving a message at 503-651-2622. We also have them already frozen. Picked blueberry prices are $32 per 10 lb bag (about 13 pints), or $31 each bag for 100 lbs or more, $30 for 300 lbs or more, $29 for 500 lbs or more, $28 for 1000 lbs or more. Unprocessed blueberries straight from the field are $2.60 per pound (minimum of 200 lbs).

Fresh picked boysenberries and marion berries are $40 a 12 pint flat. Fresh picked or frozen black currants are $48 a 10 lb bag or $24 for 5 lbs. We also currently have some fresh picked Montmorency pie cherries and Queen Ann sweet cherries for $40 a 12 pint flat or $20 a half flat. Call to reserve and pick up at 503-651-2622.

Morning Shade Farm is located at 8345 S. Barnards Road, 7 miles south of Canby (30 miles south of Portland). 

See our web page at