Cider, Kiwis, Apples, Pears, Asian Pears, Plums, Blueberries, Currants, Elderberries, Blackberries, Pumpkins, Squash, and more

Morning Shade Farm has the following u-pick and already picked fruit, produce and frozen berries. We are open Saturdays and Sundays from 9 am to 3 pm.  Already picked fruit can also ordered and picked up any other day by appointment 503-651-2622.  We will be making Apple Cider and starting upick on Hardy Kiwis on October 7 and 8.

U-pick fruit :

  • Gravenstien, Jonathon, Cox’s Orange Pippin, Jonagold, Mutsu (Crispin), Harelred, Spitzenberg, and Ashmead Apples $1.50/lb
  • Windfall apples and Pears off the ground $.75/lb
  • Warren and Bosc Pears $1.50/lb
  • 20th Century, Shinseiki, Chojuro and Shinko Asian Pears $1.50/lb
  • Hardy Kiwis $2.40/lb
  • Grapes $1.25/lb
  • Hubbard, Butternut, Spaghetti, Danish, and Delicate Squash $1.20/lb
  • Pumpkins $.35/lb

At the farm stand already picked:

  • Frozen blueberries $32/10 lb bag
  • Frozen smoothy blueberries $28/10 lb bag
  • Frozen black currants $22/5 bag
  • Frozen elderberries $25/5 lb bag
  • Frozen Triple Crown backberries $20/5 lb bag
  • Gravenstien, Honey Crisp, Jonathon, Cox’s Orange Pippin, Jonagold, Harelred, Crispin (Mutsu), Spitzenberg, Ashmead, and Ginger Gold Apples $1.70/lb
  • Windfall apples and pears off the ground $.75/lb
  • Warren, Bosc, Bartlett, and Red Bartlett Pears $1.70/lb
  • Italian Plums $1.70/lb
  • 20th Century, Shinseiki, Chojuro, and Shinko Asian Pears $1.70/lb
  • Grapes $1.25/lb
  • Hardy Kiwi berries $3/lb
  • Winter squash $1.20/lb
  • Pumpkins $.35/lb
  • Fresh Pressed Cider $12/gal
  • Blueberry juice $9/qt
  • Fireweed honey $24/ qt, $13/pint
  • Fruit popsicles $2

There are no unnatural, synthetic sprays on our fruit. 

Morning Shade Farm is located at 8345 S. Barnards Road, 7 miles south of Canby (30 miles south of Portland).  We have flush toilets and hand wash facilities.  We have buckets to pick into with plastic bag inserts to take your berries home in or you can bring your own containers. We prefer cash, checks, or debit cards, but also accept credit cards and FDNP food vouchers. No dogs allowed.

Blueberries are cleaned of stems, green and soft berries, and frozen in 10 lb (13 pint) zip lock freezer bags. “Smoothy” blueberries are slightly smaller, late harvest blueberries.

All of our orchard fruit is grown with 100 percent natural, non-synthetic practices without the added cost of organic certification.

Berry Nursery – we have a very large selection of blueberry, other berry plants, and fruit trees in 1, 3, 7 and 15 gallon containers. Nursery sales are by appointment only by calling or texting Micah at 541-543-7566. The nursery is located just west of the main farm behind a rental house at 8301 S. Barnards Rd. Canby.